Om / About

SAFT er en forening med ønske om å spre kunnskap om gatekunst
i alle mulige fasonger. Vi vil vise bredden av denne tidligere 
sub-kulturen som nå har erobret verden med sin egen estetikk.
Graffiti, Stensiler, Muraler, Klistremerker, Tags, Mikroskulpturer, 
Land Art, Mosaikk, Culture jamming, Interaktiv projisering osv...
Alt innen visuell gatekunst ønsker vi å formidle til massene, og
startskuddet går 11.06.2018 i Tønsberg.

SAFT is an organisation with a strong urge to spread knowledge
about visual Street Art in every shape and form. We wish to show
the wide variety of styles wich belongs to this former sub-culture,
who has conquered the world with it's own aesthetiques. 
Graffiti, Stencils, Murals, Stickers, Tags, Micro sculpturing, Land
Art, Mosaics, Cutlure jamming, Interactive projections etc...
We want to showcase everything Graffiti and Street Art related,
and it will all happen between the 11th and 18th of June 2018. 

Kom! / Be there!

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